XI Class Admission Result

XI Class Admission Result 2024 | xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result

XI Class Admission Result 2024 | xiclassadmission.gov.bd. We congratulate from the core of our heart to all of you who have applied for the HSC admission after passing your SSC. College life is very important for making your desired dreams come true in your life. So those who have applied for admission to different colleges are thinking about when XI Class Admission Result will be given. It is normal to come to your mind that would you be able to get admission in the preferred college or not. We would recommend you all not to worry so much about that. Just keep confidence in yourself, and then everything will become normal.

Your XI Class Admission Result will be published soon. But the result will not be published on the same day. Rather the results will be published in a few steps. This will be like this for your betterment so that you can choose the preferred college. And the process of the class XI admission result is very simple. You would also know your class XI admission results in the online as like as the SSC result . The purpose of our writing here is to guide you about your admission result. The detailed instruction is discussed below on when and which day your result will be published.

XI Class Admission Result 2024

You certainly have already applied to many preferred colleges by this time? Now you are waiting for the time when the results of the application will be published. After a few days, your wait is coming to the end. Though there is no admission test, the results will be published after the selection process. Those who will be selected in the selection process will be able to get admission to the preferred colleges. As soon as the XI Class Admission Result will be published, the admission process will be completed. So you all be ready for admission now. So let us know the time and date of the result now.

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When HSC Admission will Publish?

১ম পর্যায়ের আবেদনের ফলাফল ২৯/০১/২০২২ তারিখ রাত ৮ টার পর প্রকাশিত হবে।

২য় পর্যায়ের আবেদনের ফলাফল ১০/০২/২০২২ তারিখ রাত ৮ টার পর প্রকাশিত হবে।

৩য় পর্যায়ের আবেদনের ফলাফল ১৫/০২/২০২২ তারিখ রাত ৮ টার পর প্রকাশিত হবে।

HSC Admission known as XI Class Admission 1st merit result result will be published on 31th December 2022.

HSC Admission known as XI Class Admission 2nd merit result result will be published on 12th January 2024.

HSC Admission known as XI Class Admission 3rd merit result result will be published on 18th January 2024.



Different Steps of Publishing Results

The results of the admission application will not be published on the same day. Rather, the results of the application will be published in a few steps. Now we are going to present the information to you in which date and stage the result will be published.

xiclassadmission.gov.bd Result 2024

XI Class Admission Result Download

First Phase HSC Admission Result

Those who would apply for class XI admission at the first stage from 27th July to 7th September would get their results published on 25th June. After the publication of the results, you will have to confirm your admission. If you do not confirm the admission within the due time, your application will be canceled. So do not delay it for silly reasons. If you do so you would not understand when your admission time has passed. However, if you cannot get admission for any reason, you can apply again in the second and third phases.

HSC Admission Registration Fee Payment Method

Second Phase HSC Admission Result

Those who also had applied for the result correction in the second phase from September 20 will get your results published on 5th September. Also in the second step, the results will be published similar to the first step. And within the due time, you have to ensure your admission likely. If you do not get admission within this time period even in this step, the application will also be canceled. So no one should delay the admission. But if you cannot get admission because of not getting any preferred college or any other reason, you can apply for admission in the third step. But remember that the third step is the last and final step for admission. So if possible, make sure your admission in the second phase.

Third Phase XI Class Admission Result

The results of those who had applied for the admission in the third phase will be published on September 20. This is the last step of the result. At this stage, the selected candidates must need to ensure admission. If anyone does not make sure the admission he or she will not be able to get admission in class XI. Therefore, getting the results published at the third stage no one should delay the admission. It is better to ensure the admission as soon as possible. Otherwise, you have to stay behind for 1 year.

Result For the Candidates Who Have Applied For Result Correction

Those who have applied for result correction because of dissatisfaction with your SSC result will also get the results in due time. If the result is not changed even after the application, then the result will be published on July 25 and if the result is changed then it will be published on 5th September in the second phase.

How Would You Get XI Admission Result 2024?

You will be able to easily get your HSC admission application results sitting your home. You will get your result through SMS in your Teletalk number using which you have applied for the admission at the time of the application. You can also check out your result by logging in this site www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd as well. You will have to search using your application ID/PIN number if you want to get your result from online then.

Candidate Selecting Process

Candidates will be selected before the results are published. In terms of selecting the candidates, the preference would be given on the merit as like as the earlier years. In this case, the candidates will be selected on the basis of the result. The better the results of the candidates, the better position they will secure for the admission. However, 11% of the total seats will be reserved for the quota holders. The quota system will not be admissible in of unavailability of the quota candidate.

The Last Date of XI Admission

Those who will be selected for admission in Class XI must complete all kinds of the admission process by February 13. No admission will be accepted after February 15.

XI Class Start

The classes for the students of 2024 sessions will begin on March 02. Hopefully, you will start your study attentively from the very first day of your classes.

We have made them clear regarding the results that were in so much confusion for so long. It is better for all of you not to be tensed and wait patiently for few days. All these days will go in the eye blink. The results will be published exactly on the scheduled day. Our hopes and beliefs are something like that you all will be able to get admission to your preferred colleges. You could check your results yourself on the day when the XI Class Admission Result will be published.

But however, you can mark the result publishing dates now. You should keep in mind what stages you have applied to. Do not do it like you have applied to one stage and searching your result on another stage. We are also waiting for the HSC admission application result as like as you. We wish you get admission in your desired and reputed college so that you can spread your dreams.

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One Comment

  1. My Name Is Iqbal Hossain Safy, My HSC Admission Aplication Has Successful but I did not get 6 Digit PIN in my Mobile, Mobile No. is Ok. application Date: 14.05.18 please inform me when i get the PIN?

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