HSC Online Admission Apply Form

HSC Online Admission Apply Form 2024-25 XI Class Admission BD

After your happiness of the SSC result, you are maybe having anxiety about your HSC admission 2025. You are worried about whether you could get admission in a good college or not? Moreover, there are many concerns you have about how you would apply for your admission. The education ministry has announced the system to apply online to make your admission process very easy. HSC Online Admission system is very easy. Just after few procedures, you would be able to apply. So we are going to provide a detailed guideline for those who want to take the HSC online admission.

The online application process for HSC admissions could be seemed difficult for many. But when we explain the ins and outs of the whole process, it will be a very easy task for you. We would like to provide detailed instructions for each step on where and how to do what. It is our happy effort to make everything a little easier for you. Let us start talking about the whole process right now without prolonging any other discussion.

একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা | Admission Notice Download

HSC Online Admission 2025

From several years the ministry of education has been introducing the system to apply online. For that students do not have to apply going to colleges personally. You could complete the whole admission process on the internet sitting in your house. Many of you do not have the idea on the HSC Online Admission about how and where you have to do things.  For the benefit of all, we will have the guideline on online application of HSC admission.

০৮ জুলাই ২০২৪ তারিখ সকাল ১১:০০ ঘটিকা থেকে online –এ আবেদনপত্র update/দাখিল করা যাবে। যেসকল শিক্ষার্থী ইতিপূর্বে ভর্তির জন্য কোন শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে নির্বাচিত (Selected) হয়নি –তারা কোন প্রকার ফি প্রদান ছাড়াই তাদের আবেদন update (নতুন কলেজ সংযোজন/বিয়োজন) করতে পারবে। যারা ইতিপূর্বে ভর্তির জন্য আবেদন করেনি অথবা ভর্তির জন্য নির্বাচিত (Selected) হয়েও ভর্তি নিশ্চায়ন করেনি –তারা আবেদন ফি ১৫০ টাকা (Teletalk / Rocket / Surecash এর মাধ্যমে) জমা দিয়ে আবেদন করতে পারবে এবং যারা পূর্বে আবেদন ফি জমা দিয়েছে কিন্তু আবেদন করেনি, তারা ও আবেদন করতে পারবে।



HSC Online Admission Form 2024


To apply online, you will first have to pay the fee of TK.150 through Teletalk / Rocket / Surecash. You can read our writing on HSC Admission Payment Method to know how to make payment for the application fee.


First of all, you need to visit  www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd  here. If your internet connection is ok, then the home page of the site will appear to you. When the home page is fully loaded, click on the “Apply Now”.


You can read the ‘HSC Application SMS system’.

Step 3: Type Roll No

After clicking on Apply Online, a new page would appear to you. There you would get an empty space for typing your roll number. Type your SSC roll number in that empty box.

Step 4: Select Board

There will be a drop-down menu below the roll number. From there, select the board under which you have passed your SSC.

Step 5: Selecting The Passing Year

There will be another drop down menu below the board to select the passing year. From there, select the year you have passed the SSC.

Step 6: Type Registration Number

Then there will be another blank box below to write registration number. Type your SSC registration number there. Then enter the security code and click next. If all the information you have given is correct, you can see your SSC GPA.

Step 7: Contact Number

Then you have to provide your contact number. But here you must remember that you have to give the number as the contact number that you have used when making the payment. No other number will be acceptable. If you do not have quota then go to step 9. Those who have quota see step 8.

Step 8: Quota

Those who have quota have to enter the quota code. Here are the codes are given below for the quota for admission in HSC.

  • Freedom Quota – FQ
  • Board Employer – EQ
  • Special Quota – EQ
  • Probashi Quota – PQ

Step 9: Select Institution

This time you have to select the college / madrasha in which you want to get admission. For that, you need to type the EIIN code of the respective institution.

Step 10: Select Group

Then you need to select the group you want to get admission. From the drop-down menu, select your desired group.

Step 11: Select Shift

You have to select the shift at this step. There are three learning shifts such as Morning, Day, and Evening. Select the shift you want to get admission. If you do not have the shift, select the no shift option.

Step 12: Select Version

After you select shift, you will have to select which version you want to get admission. If your version is Bangla, select Bangla and if English then select English. You can do this from the drop-down menu.

Step 13: Preview Application

All of your application processes end here. Now you can see a preview of your application if you wish. Click on the preview button to see that. Check everything well whether it is okay or not.

Step 14: Submit Application

Now you are going to submit your application finally. Click on the submit button at the bottom. Your application will be processing. If everything is okay, then you will get a confirmation SMS in your mobile. There will be a PIN code in it.

Step 15: Save PIN

The PIN code contained in the confirmation message is very important. Afterward, this pin code will be used for many purposes. So save the pin code carefully.

If You Cannot See The GPA

Even after completing your application following the above procedures, if you cannot see your personal information and GPA then provide the transaction ID of your application fee payment of TK.150 and select the payment gateway you have used like Teletalk / Rocket / Surecash. Afterward, 30 minutes later you have to follow the earlier mentioned process to apply online.

After reading our guidelines, you may have completed your application process yourself. Now it seems to be too easy for you, is not it? Actually, it is easy to understand the difficult thing if you get it in right way. Even if there is a problem with any of you understanding this, then read each step attentively. We have explained everything with perfect explanation. Hopefully, you could be able to apply for HSC Online Admission yourself from now. By getting admission in HSC, you will step ahead to fulfill your dream. This time is the time to build your future. So do not take your college life carelessly. We are done today; hope for the best for your success.

২০২৪-২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নির্দেশিকা

২০২৩-২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নির্দেশিকা

২০২২-২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নির্দেশিকা

২০২০-২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নির্দেশিকা

২০১৮-১৯ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নির্দেশিকা

Hopefully, you could be able to apply for HSC Online Admission yourself from now. By getting admission in HSC, you will step ahead to fulfill your dream. This time is the time to build your future. So do not take your college life carelessly. We are done today; hope for the best for your success.

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  1. I did not receive any pin code after applying through online… it has been almost one day I have applied for admission 🙁 I am really worried about utmost :'(

  2. Dear sir/maa’m
    I have applied for college admission n it showed that my application was successful but I didn’t get any confirmation message yet, what should I do now?

  3. I am MD.Abdullah
    Board: Dhaka
    Passing Year: 2018
    Roll: 727109
    Reg: 1510681685
    mob: 01730877056
    I did not get my security code.
    how can I recover my security code..???

  4. All process are complete and shown message successfully. But till now not received SMS in mobile.Roll no: 193117

  5. আমার আবেদন করার পর PIN Number দেওয়া হয় নি …। আমি আখন কি করব? ০১৭৫৭৫২০৫৫২

  6. ভর্তি বাতিল করতে করনীয় কি? জানালে উপকৃত হতাম

  7. কোন কলেজে ভর্তি কেনসেল করতে দ্বিতীয় দফায় কিভাবে আবেদন করতে হবে

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