XI Class Admission 2025 (xi class admission gov bd )

XI Class Admission 2025, HSC Application System 2024-2025. Congratulations to all of you who have recently passed the SSC examination. Now you are up for the higher secondary education after the successful completion of your secondary level. College life means to sow one more new seeds for your future and move on to your desired dream. In this time, you intend to spread your dream which you are carrying in your mind for so long. You all pass your vivacious and glittering life at this stage. You do not have any scope to have some tours after passing the SSC examination because your dream is calling you. Soon after you get the result you have to fight for the XI class admission 2025.

You must be worried about how to apply for class XI admission, how would be the admission test etc. It is normal to have such questions in your mind about your admission in college. But you do not have to worry about this anymore. We would provide you detailed guidelines for admission to college. If you follow our guidelines, then the whole process will seem to you quite simple. Let us now know all details about the new rules of admission in class XI. Check Best College In Bangladesh. Política de admisión de undécimo grado

XI Class Admission System (Session 2024 – 2025)

Many of you are maybe worried about how the admission process would be. But the ministry of education has released the news for your relief. As like as the last year, the admission system will be on the basis of SSC or equivalent results in this year also. No admission test will be held. This information was found in the XI class admission 2024 policy published by the education ministry.

HSC Admission Result 2025

See: All College GPA Requirement, Seat & EIIN Number 

HSC Admission Application Deadline

In the first phase, you have to apply from July 10 to July 20. However, the students who have applied for result corrections will be able to apply for admission on 10th to 20th July. Then the second phase of application will be accepted on September to September 08th. The third phase of application will be accepted on 11th September.

Title Date
1st Phase Application 26 May 2024 to 11 June 2024
1st Phase Result 23 June 2024
1st Phase Selection Confirmation 24 June to 29 June 2024
2nd Phase Online Application 30 June to 2 July 2024
1st Migration Result 4 July 2024
2nd  Phase Result 4 July 2024
2nd Phase Selection Confirmation 5 July to 8 July 2024
3rd Phase Online Application 9 July to 10 July 2024
2nd Migration Result 12 July 2024
3rd Phase Result 12 July 2024
3rd Phase Selection Confirmation 13 July to 14 July
Admission 15 July to 25 July 2024
Class Start 30 July

The results of this year’s Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations will be published on October 2024. Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni, along with the chairmen of all education boards, will hand over copies of the SSC Exam result 2024 to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina around 10:00am on July 28, Mohammad Arfazur Rahman, an information officer of the Education Ministry, told us. SSC Result 2024 Download .

HSC Admission Result 2025

To be admitted to class XI, you will have to wait for the result again. At the first phase, the results of the selected students will be published on 31th July 2024. If the candidate at this time does not confirm admission, the selection and the application will be canceled. The results of the second phase application will be published on 12th September. And the results of the third phase application will be published on 18th September.

XI Class Admission Result Download

একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা | Admission Notice Download


একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তি আবেদন শুরু ২৬ মে ২০২৪ তারিখ থেকে। নটর ডেম কলেজ, হলিক্রস কলেজ, সেন্ট যোসেফ কলেজ ও সেন্ট গ্রেগরি কলেজ ছাড়া অন্যান্য সকল কলেজে কেন্দ্রীয়ভাবে ভর্তি কার্যক্রম সম্পন্ন করা হবে। ভর্তি আবেদন অনলাইনে করতে হবে। বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ হওয়া মাত্রই আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট থেকে বিস্তারিত সকল তথ্য জানা যাবে।

XI Class Admission Schedule 2024

XI Class 2024

রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ কাজের জন্য প্রতিদিন রাত ১১:০০ টা থেকে ১১:৫৯ মিনিট পর্যন্ত ইন্টারনেটে আবেদন বন্ধ থাকবে।

Application Submission portal will open at 2 PM on 08/12/2024 (Thursday)

XI fee payment

XI Class Admission 2025

The education ministry has issued a notification after the SSC and equivalent exam results to avoid any disruption in the XI class admission process. On 7th May 2010, education ministry issued the XI class admission policy. After issuing the policy, it is understood that the process of the class XI admission will be completed as per the last year admission system.

২য় ভর্তির আবেদন শুরু আগামী ১২ আগস্ট থেকে ১৪ আগস্ট পর্যন্ত …

Eligibility for HSC Admission

The education ministry has tied up a policy about who can be admitted in class XI. According to their published policy, we understand that those who have passed SSC or equivalent examination in 2022, 2023 and 2024 from any education board will be considered eligible for class XI admission. Those who have passed in earlier year except these will not be able to apply. However, those who have passed SSC examination in 2022, 2023 and 2024 under the Open University in Bangladesh will also be able to apply. The certificates of those who have passed from any foreign board or similar institution will be determined by the Dhaka Education Board. Then the policy of the students of general education board will also be applied to them.

Group Choice Method

The ministry of education has issued instructions regarding the admission in different groups for different background students. So let us take a look at the following points to know who can apply for which group.

  • Those who had science in the SSC level can choose any one from science, humanities, and commerce in class XI.
  • Those who had commerce in the SSC level could be enrolled in commerce and humanities groups.
  • If you have studied in humanities in SSC, you can enroll in commerce and humanities groups.

There are also logical reasons why the students of the humanities and business studies cannot take science. And the reasons are- In fact, at the university level, it is mandatory to have 7 points in many subjects of science for studying. Studying in science only in HSC level will get you 5 points after getting the golden A+. So from where you will get the remaining 2 points? That is why the students of humanities and business studies do not have the permission to study in science.

XI Application System 2025

How to Apply Online HSC admission?

You will not have to go to the concerned college for admission personally. You can apply for admission sitting your home. To apply online HSC Admission, you need to go to this site www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd and apply for your preferred college. Applying online will cost you around TK.150 in total. If you find it boring to apply online, you can apply by sending SMS from Teletalk number. However, if you apply sending SMS, then you will be charged TK.120 for each college. At the time of application, you must need to fill up according to the order of your college preference.

Check HSC Admission SMS System

Cost of College Admission:

This year admission charge has been proposed maximum at BDT. 10000 & minimum at BDT. 5000. As Development fee, all college can’t charge more than BDT. 3000. Colleges has to provide a receipt for every transaction.

  • Under MPO educational institute at BDT. 5000,
  • Under sectional MPO educational institute (Bangla medium) at BDT. 9000 &
  • For English medium at BDT. 10000 have to pay

How Many Colleges You Can Apply To?

There is the chance to apply to more than one college so everyone can choose their preferred college easily. It is mandatory for each student to apply to at least 5 colleges. You can apply to the maximum of 10 colleges at the same time. No one will be allowed to apply to more than 10 colleges.

xiclassadmission gov bd

Board Help Line
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নির্বাচিত শিক্ষার্থীদের ../../২০২৪ তারিখের মধ্যে মোবাইল ব্যাংকিং চার্জ বাদে রেজিস্ট্রেশন ফি ১৯৫/= টাকা ( ওয়েবসাইটে উল্লেখিত অপারেটর-এর মাধ্যমে) জমা দিয়ে ভর্তির প্রাথমিক নিশ্চায়ন করতে হবে। শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে ভর্তির তারিখ ../../২০২৪ হতে ../../২০২৪।

The Last Time of Admission

The circular issued by the education ministry shows that all admission process will be completed within 30th June. No further admission will be accepted later on. So everybody should complete the admission process by this time.

College Admission Fees

Admission fees of class XI differ area to area. Admission fees of rural area are not same as of the town area. However, the highest limit has been fixed in all cases. Any college having the MPO in the metropolitan area will not be able to charge admission fees more than TK.5, 000. And the colleges having partial MPO or without MPO in the metropolitan area can charge the maximum admission fees of Tk.9, 000 for the Bangla medium and TK.10, 000 for the English medium. The admission fees in the Upazila area are TK.1, 000 and in the district sadar area is TK.2, 000.  No one can charge more than TK.3, 000 for session fees. However, the colleges are asked to waive fees as much as possible for the poor students.

You can see How to Pay XI Class Admission Fee 2025?

HSC Candidate Selection Method

In this year, 100 percent seats will be filled on merit basis in divisional and district sadar colleges or equivalent institutions. However, if there is any applicant for special priority quota after admission on the merit basis, then the students can be admitted on the basis of the additional quota seats. There are 11 percent of several types of priority quotas. But in this year, if there is no candidate available for these quotas then these seats will no longer have the effect. In the earlier years, if there was no candidate in these quotas, the seats would be filled with the general quota candidates. However, in the case of school and college, the students passed in SSC and equivalent examination from their respective institutions will be admitted on the priority basis.

College Class Start

It is clearly noted in the circular issued by the education ministry that classes are going to be started from 2nd March 2024. All types of admissions will be completed before the class starts. The vacation time that students received after the SSC examination will end on 1st July. Again, the well-admired scenario will be started regarding educational materials. You will be busy with lots of class activities, home works, and introduction with many new faces and thus your college life will be colorful. You will be busy with your study again leaving all your free times. Class xi admission means you are going to put yourselves in the new world.

College Change Procedure

If you have to change the college after admission, then with the permission of the concerned board you can change the college. No one can change the college in any circumstance without the permission of the board. At the same time, without any prior permission of the board, no college is allowed to admit any student. But if someone wishes to change the college with the permission of the board can change. The college where you wish to get admitted is obliged to complete the admission with the permission letter of the concerned authority. However, for those who have the job transfer of their parents are not required to get permission from the board. Only the submission of job transfer letter of father or mother will be enough to change the college.

২০২৪-২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০২৫

২০২৩-২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০২৪

২০২২-২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০২৩

২০২১-২২ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০২২

২০২০-২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০২১

২০১৯-২০ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০১৯

২০১৮-১৯ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০১৮

Hopefully, we have been able to provide you enough information regarding the class XI admission 2025. We have discussed the entire process of admission in our guideline & presented information about which requirements you have to qualify for the admission and when to apply. We did not leave anything from our discussion of how much will it cost to get admission, when classes will be started etc. If our review could get you any benefits, then our efforts will be paid off. Actually, the process of admission in class XI is a simple way. You just need to follow the guidelines step by step. Only then it will be clearer to you. Finally, best wishes for you who are going to admit in higher secondary level.