HSC Admission Registration Fee

HSC Admission Registration Fee Payment Method

HSC admission war is going to start. After a few more days you will have your war for the college admission in different colleges. Competing with millions of students you have to take place in your favorite institution. Many of you are in worry about whether you would be able to admission to your preferred college or not. Many of you are also thinking about how much the registration fee would be to get admission to HSC. Today we are going to discuss the HSC Admission Registration Fee. The education ministry has determined the registration fees so that no one can take education as the means of business. The admission process has to be completed following the registration fee fixed by the government.

The government has made HSC admission registration fees different based on different areas. But the fee that has been set is in the range of everyone’s reach. And registration fee payment method is also very easy. You have not been informed about the registration fee yet fixed by the government. So without any delay here we would now like to go to the original review. Let us now know about HSC registration fee and payment method & XI class admission online application

HSC Admission Registration Fee

We would discuss the admission fee you need to get admission in HSC dividing into two parts. First part is the application fee for admission and the second part is the registration fee fixed by the board. At each step, we will give you detailed instructions. So let us give you a little idea about the HSC Admission Registration Fee.

HSC Admission Application Fee Method

Before going to get admission in HSC, you will have to apply to the preferred college first. At the time of application, you need to select the minimum of 5 colleges. If you are not satisfied with 5 colleges, then you can keep the maximum of top 10 colleges in your preferred list. You can apply for admission in two ways. You can apply online or through SMS sitting your home. In case of online application, the application fee will be TK.150 in total for all colleges and if you apply through SMS, then you will have to pay TK.120 for each college.

  • Applying online, the fee is TK.150 for all colleges.
  • Applying through SMS, the fee is TK.120 for each college.

How to Pay XI Class Admission Fee 2022?

The way you can apply for admission from home, you can also make payments from home as well.

কলেজ মাইগ্রেশন করার নিয়ম জেনে নিন

HSC Admission Payment Method through SMS:

Those who are going to apply through SMS will have to make payment with Teletalk SIM in the below way.

CAD <space> College / Madrasha EIIN <space> First 3 Letters of your Board <space> SSC Roll Number <space> Passing Year of SSC / Equivalent Exam (4 Digit) <space> SSC Registration Number <space> 1st Letter of Shift <space> 1st Letter of Version <space> Quota Code (if Applicable). Then send it to 16222.

Then in the reply Teletalk will send you a PIN. Save this PIN. now you have to send SMS again to confirm your payment. At this time go to your message option and type:

CAD <space> Yes <space> PIN (which Teletalk provides) <space> Contact Number and send to 16222.

Soon after this, you will be deducted TK.150 from your SIM. To understand the SMS process better, you can have a look at this article. you can read the ‘HSC Application SMS system’.



XI Admission Payment Method Through Online:

And those who are going to apply online will be able to make the payment through the Rocket or UCash. After applying the online application you will be given the application ID. You have to provide that ID number as reference in the payment.

Payment Process for Admission Confirmation by UPay


See here: HSC Admission Online System

HSC Registration Fee Fixed By The Board

Admission will not be completed after the application. After you get selected, you will have to complete the admission process. The Board has set the registration fee for admission. If you do not pay the registration fee, you cannot get admitted. Keeping relevance with financial ability, the area basis registration fees have been set differently. We will specify the fees in separate points for each area.

Payment Process for Admission Confirmation by Bkash



Upazila Area Registration Fee

The government has set the registration fee of TK.1, 000 for those colleges located in the Upazila areas. This fee will be applicable for all areas of the Upazila Sadar or village mofossol colleges. This fee has been fixed for all the Upazila level colleges in whole Bangladesh. The colleges in these areas will not be able to take the registration fee more than this in any circumstance. If anyone takes more than a fixed fee, then it has been requested to complain to the Upazila executive officer.

Payment Process Flow by Bkash


HSC Admission Registration Fee of the District Sadar Colleges

The government has also fixed the registration fee of the district Sadar colleges. The registration fee of those colleges located in the district Sadar has been fixed for 2000 taka. In no case, it is not allowed to charge more than TK.2, 000. This fee will be applicable to all colleges located in the Sadar area of 64 districts of the country. This fee has been set keeping relevancy with the economic condition of the students.

Payment Process Flow by Grameen Phone


HSC Registration Fee Payment Procedure Download


 Nagad Payment System 2022 PDF

Sonali Web Payment System 2022 PDF

Sonali eSheba Payment System 2022 PDF

teletalk Payment System 2022 PDF

bKash Payment System 2022 PDF

Rocket Payment System 2022 PDF

Upay Payment System 2022 PDF

XI Registration Fee Payment Method BY Sure cash

Sure cash:-

Step 1: dial in mobile (Teletalk: *357#,Airtel: *257#, Banglalink: *495#, Grameen Phone/ Robi: 09609090909 or 09606060606

Step 2: Select payment

Step 3: Entry CADR

Step 4: Entry Student ID< board code><passing year><roll no>

Step 5: Entry Security Code

Step 6: entry PIN Code


Payment Process for Admission Confirmation Sure Cash

last year sure cash payment

The Registration Fee of the Colleges Having MPO In Metropolitan Area

The registration fees have also been set for those colleges which get MPO facility in the metropolitan area. The government has fixed fee of colleges having MPO in the metropolitan area is 5,000 taka. The students will have to complete the admission process by paying the mentioned amount at the time of admission. If the colleges in the city having MPO charges fees more than this at the admission time then it is requested to complain to the education board.

The Registration Fee of the Colleges Having Partial Mpo In Metropolitan Area

The fees have also been set for those colleges which are located in the metropolitan area but have partial MPO benefits. The colleges with partial MPO facility in the metropolitan area can charge the registration fee of TK.9, 000 for the Bangla version and TK.10, 000 for the English version. The action will be taken if any college demands higher fees than this. You should not pay more than the government fixed fees in any case.

The Registration Fee of the Colleges Having No MPO Facility In Metropolitan Area

HSC Admission Registration Fee for those colleges that are located in the metropolitan area but have no MPO facility has been set also. The registration fees for such colleges will be. TK.9, 000 for Bangla version and TK.10, 000 for English version. No college can charge fee more than this.

HSC Registration Fee Payment Method

It is very easy to make the payment of the registration fee. You will have to deposit cash in the college you want to get admission. The concerned college will send the determined fees to the board.

So after all these, we hope that there is no doubt in your mind about submitting your registration fee. We have made the difficult things easy for your better understanding. Now everything is becoming digital. Now you can pay your admission fees sitting your home. And paying fees is also a lot easier task. We have made all of you clear who were hesitant and confused about the HSC admission registration fee. In addition to this, we have provided you the link to two important articles about how you would apply for HSC admission through online and SMS. We always try to present everything making it all easy. Hopefully, you have received the complete guidelines for HSC admission reading this write-up.

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